Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Trust ·Be ·Become

wheels are turning
moments seized
mountains topped
and conquered is
fears illusion trix

thrones they built
shiny and pointy
with pointless bounty
systems they set
to keep their way

naha we said
not no more
we tune up our beat
we will walk our land
with our own feet

we are this and that
we was and will be
inside every bit of us
we keep sacred our inner sun
our higher eternal self

we stand today
united hurray
for us combined
is the whole idea
to seek and find

the true realness 
the true existence
the alive sensation
the infinite relation
in all ways with all things

who else but you and you
can hear your voice
you speak within
with yours and yourself
new and eternal combined

treasured sense is trust
belief and become is next
always is the love
now it go boomblastic
explosively volcanic

to learn is to remember
to be remember to be
to hear remember to listen
to see remember to look
to speak remember to say

i am all this in all way
i am what i am as you
are you and yourself
new and eternal combined
in the always spiral dance



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